Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Last winter was was a bitch, windstorms, snowstorms, torrential rain... but every so often it was really pretty.


Sour Grapes said...

Good God, man, enough with the endless chatter. I'm hardly taking in a word of this ... this torrent!

throckey said...

yeah yeah yeah. I've got to get back into the habit of writing.

Paula said...

Lovely photo. And I can't criticize the lack of posts - did you notice I didn't have one yesterday? My god, I thought for sure that would be the end of Blogland, but turned out everyone soldiered bravely on without me.

Don said...

Nice pic. I love the colors that time of day. Your profile says Bellevue. In high school my girlfriend went there once, so you and I, we're almost related.

throckey said...

Don, I'm afraid our distant relatedness makes it illegal for us to marry in Washington.

The picture was around 4 PM pretty close to the winter solstice. But the coolest (or most unique) feature of the picture is that the snow line goes all the way down to lake level, which almost never happens.